We are a leading association in Food & Agritech in Europe and work to promote innovation and development in the food sector.
FATE (Food&Agritech Europe), was born in 2023 in Spain with the aim to become first european association in FoodTech and Agritech Sector.
MISSION: To promote growth and facilitate collaboration between foodtech companies in Europe, driving innovation and promoting technological solutions that contribute to healthier, more sustainable, ethical and accessible food for all.
VISION: To be the reference in the promotion and development of the foodtech industry in Europe, playing a catalytic role in the generation of business, in obtaining public funds and in the promotion of collaborative relationships between the public and private sectors, as well as between companies in the sector.
FOOD TECH: A company that uses technologies that are considered emerging or disruptive, or that have not been applied in food or agricultural and livestock processes in the traditional way, for the creation of ingredients, additives, preparations, foods, food preparations, specialised equipment and active and intelligent packaging, as well as processes and business models, that provide substantial improvements in some field with respect to the food that was on the market and the processes that manage them, from the field and the farm to the consumption of the same.
This includes everything from the production of raw materials to the management of surpluses and the minimisation of food loss and food waste, i.e. they apply throughout the agri-food value chain and make it more efficient and sustainable, with a clear impact on the food we eat.
ENCOURAGE STRATEGIC COLLABORATION: Promote collaboration between foodtech companies, public institutions and private sector, recognising synergy as key to sustainable development of the industry.
Generate corporate working groups with business INFLUENCE AND SYNERGY for the companies, with the aim of achieving a greater share of business in the food tech market.
SELF-QUALIFICATION with FOODTECH SEAL, as an identification of companies with their own specialised industrial technology
PROMOTE COLLABORATIVE TRANSPARENCY: Promote transparency as a fundamental pillar of relationships, facilitating the open exchange of information between foodtech partner companies. T
PROMOTING RESPONSIBLE INNOVATION: Stimulating innovation as a driver of progress, encouraging responsible practices that respect regulations and contribute to a sustainable improvement of food chain.
ADVOCATE EQUITABLE ACCESS: Advocate for equity in access to resources and opportunities, have access to funding and strategic partnerships that will drive their development.
GROWTH: Identify the barriers that may prevent us from developing in the long term and transmit them to the relevant bodies. Licences, certifications, Novel Food approvals, financing, etc.
PRIORITIZE BUSINESS SUSTAINABILITY: Prioritise projects and practices that foster long-term sustainability, both economically and environmentally, promoting growth that benefits future generations.
COMMIT TO SOCIAL IMPACT: Commit to generate a positive impact on society through the promotion of food technologies and practices that contribute to health, accessibility and sustainability.
VISIBILITY: To demonstrate the maturity of our sector and to place ourselves among the most innovative in Europe.
INFLUENCE: To have a voice in strategic decision-making in the sector (aid, subsidies, food policies), to be recognised for the value we contribute to society and the economy as FoodTech.
Non-profit business association at European level (initially established in Spain).
- Cuidad Agroalimentaria de Tudela (free venue offered by the Government of Navarre). https://www.ciudadagroalimentaria.es/
- Full partners. Foodtech companies.
- Expert Members. Relevant persons from the sector.
- Collaborating partners. Other ecosystem entities. These may be companies, venture capital entities, accelerators, incubators, public administrations, universities, technology institutes and research centres, whose aim is to provide support to the Association, in order to promote its main objectives.
Alfa Laval Iberia www.alfalaval.es
Algaloop www.algaloop.com
Alimentos Sanygran www.sanygran.com
APEX www.grupoapex.es
Artica www.articai.es
AZTI Fundazioa www.azti.es
Baristrum-AWevo www.awevo.es
Beanstalkfood www.beanstalkfoods.com
Bio2Coat www.bio2coat.com
Bioplastics4health www.tranxformafood.es
Bioprocesia Circular Solutions www.bioprocesia.com
Bioquochem www.bioquochem.com
Brainr www.brainr.co
Bread Free www.breadfree.es
Bühler www.bühlergroup.com
CAPSA FOOD www.capsafood.com
Cefetra Group www.cefetra.com
CLAVE Mayor, S.G.E.I.C www.clave.capital
Cluster Alimentario del Valle del Ebro FOOD+i www.clusterfoodmasi.es
CNTA www.cnta.es
CTA Corporación Tecnológica de Andalucía www.corporaciontecnologica.com
Cocuus System Ibérica www.cocuus.com
Dairypet www.yowup.com
Damalora's home www.freefood.es
Entomo Consulting www.entomoagroindustrial.com
Freeshakes www.freeshakes.es
Fundación EURECAT www.eurecat.org
Fundación TECNALIA Research & Innovation www.tecnalia.com
GEA Process Engineering www.gea.com
Genbioma Aplicaciones www.genbioma.com
Granada La Palma SCA www.granadalapalma.com
GrinGrin Foods www.gringrinfoods.com
Guimarana Dream Food www.gimmesabor.es
Herrero & Asociados www.hyaip.com
INGREDALIA www.ingredalia.net
Innomy Biotech www.innomylabs.com
Insekt Label Biotech www.insektlabel.com
International Neuroessence Company www.neuroessence.es
Kerry Iberia Taste and Nutrition www.kerry.com
LAB4Impact www.lab4impact.com
Let It V Foods www.letitvfoods.com
Levprot Bioscience www.levprot.com
Lipiwell www.lipiwell.com
Mahou www.mahou.es
Medicinal Gardens www.baiafood.com
MOA Biotech www.moafoodtech.com
Moreno Ruiz Hermanos www.aurorainutrition.com
Naked Innovations www.nakedinnovations.eu
Naria Tech www.naria.digital
Néboda Farms www.nebodafarms.com
NUCAPS www.nucapsnanotechnology.com
ODS Protein www.odsprotein.com
Oscillum Biotechnology www.oscillum.com
Ostras www.ostrasdescuentos.com
Pentabiol www.pentabiol.es
Pinpilinpauxa Koloreak S.L. www.petscompany.es
Poseidonada www.poseidona.eu
Quevana Foods www.quevana.es
Rethink Foods Company www.pinkalbatross.com
Selección Mediterranea Fine Foods www.riceinaction.com
Smart Comfort www.avircomfort.com
Taste Lab www.tastelab.es
Thinkersfood www.makeat.tech
UCAM Hightech - Fundación Universitaria San Antonio www.hitech.ucam.edu
Urtech Water www.urtech.es
Väcka Quesería www.vacka.es
Beatriz Romanos https://www.beatrizromanos.com/
Margarida Colet https://www.linkedin.com/in/margarida-colet-jan%C3%A9-51414a/
Alejandro López
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